Back in 2005, I went on a homestay programme to Kyoto, Japan. I stayed with the Murakami family as the picture above shows.
From left to right, 1) Papa 2) Mama 3) Shuuji (We call him Shu-chan) 4) Natsuka 5) Ryo (I was 3 years his senior but had a crush on him when I was there, haha) 6) Grandpa/ Ojiichan
They treated me like family and were so kind and patient with me. They took me to so many places and their home was amazingly huge for a Japanese home. They had a fireplace and a courtyard and 3 separate houses joined into one! I wish I had taken more pictures!
I found this picture on my old blog that's still up and wow it's been 5 years since the trip.
We used to write to each other but I stopped replying one summer and that's about it. I still have the letters they sent me and I keep telling myself I must write back.
Let's hope they'd understand my Japanese.
I don't really know what to talk about in the letter or...WAIT I can email them, right?
Which is better though? Email or snail mail? Maybe I'll write by hand and I can draw little doodles on the sides like in previous letters. :)
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